Performance artist Choreographer Dancer

PANIC! PANIC! PANIC! is a large-scale outdoor performance piece about fear. A collective manifestation and expression of dread and existential anxiety, presented by a swelling group of 40 performers. An over-the-top, dynamic and melodramatic choreography giving form to these invisible forces, bringing them into hyper-visibility in an effort to exorcise, understand or simply better co-exist with them.
PANIC! PANIC! PANIC! was made in collaboration with Ryslinge Højskole, and performed by a mixed group of both alumni and current students at Heartland festival, Egeskov, Denmark, June 2024.
Concept and choreography by Rob Hesp.
Visual design by Rob Hesp, Hanne Klindt and Ryslinge Højskole students.
Header image at top of the page by Sophie Voisin.
All other images by Marco Grimnitz.
With thanks to Ryslinge Højskole, Heartland festival and all the performers.